The protected areas of the Trabocchi Coast

Abruzzo boasts the title of “Europe’s green region” thanks to the vast presence of parks and protected areas, which account for one-third of its total area. The Trabocchi Coast is no different. It is home to as many as seven nature reserves that protect authentic scenic gems. In these areas you can have picnics and enjoy a large number of activities: hiking, walking, cycling, canoe trips, birdwatching and much more.

Let’s discover together the protected areas of the Trabocchi Coast.


The Ripari di Giobbe Nature Reserve stretches along the northern part of the Orton coast for about 35 hectares. The area, established in 2007, is well preserved due to difficult accessibility. It includes a 65-meter-high cliff covered with Mediterranean scrub and a breathtaking beach (among the most beautiful on the Trabocchi Coast). The latter, characterized by golden sand mixed with white pebbles, is nestled between two stacks and lapped by an incredibly clear sea. The submerged reefs have marine habitats of considerable interest, with the presence of important marine species such as the madrepora Cladocora coespitosa and the sea date Lithophaga lithophaga.


Also in Ortona is the Punta dell’Acquabella Nature Reserve. The area is included in a narrow strip of vegetation that, past the port of Ortona, goes in a thinner strip for a hundred meters along the coast to San Vito. This is an area of great geological interest that has remained unspoiled thanks in part to difficult access. Established in 2007, it consists of a promontory and a beach in front of it, washed by particularly clear waters (from which the reserve takes its name) that let you admire the pebble and sandy seabed. The ruins of the ancient Moor Tower can also be seen in the reserve.


The Vasto Marine Nature Reserve covers about 60 hectares along the coastal strip of the municipality of Vasto until it encroaches into the territory of San Salvo. Here you can admire one of the best-preserved dune environments on the Adriatic coast, whose habitat includes peculiar plant and animal species protected by special conventions and regulations, including the sea camomile and the Kentish plover (a small bird that nests on beaches). The reserve ends with the Mediterranean Botanical Garden, an area within which all the typical environments of the mid-Adriatic sandy coast have been reconstituted.


Punta Aderci Nature Reserve, the first to be established in Abruzzo’s coastal strip, stretches along the coast between Vasto and Casalbordino for about 285 hectares (increasing to 400 with the external protection area). It protects one of the most spectacular stretches of the Abruzzo coastline, which alternates between wide, sandy beaches and natural cliffs with bays and coves of extraordinary beauty. The area of greatest natural interest is Punta Penna beach, bordered by a striking cordon of sinuous dunes that gives the landscape a very scenic appearance. From the promontory of Punta Aderci (located 26 meters above sea level) it is possible to enjoy a 360-degree view of the reserve.


From Punta Aderci it is easy to reach another beautiful protected area, the Bosco di Don Venanzio Nature Reserve (known simply as Bosco di Don Venanzio). Located in the municipality of Pollutri, it represents a delicate and valuable, as well as rare, example of lowland forest, to which scientists and ecologists have turned their attention. The present relict forest is what remains of the ancient and extensive Sinello forest formations. It is spread over decreasing river terraces and has an imposing appearance, with specimen trees reaching almost 25 meters in height. Also of interest is the presence of some typical mountain species.


The Lecceta of Torino di Sangro Nature Reserve is an evocative protected area established in 2001 to protect one of the few relict coastal forests in the Adriatic (formerly known as the “Terracoste forest”). It covers 180 hectares from the mouth of the Sangro River to the hill where the British War Cemetery (called Sangro River War Cemetery by the British) is located. The forest area is mostly composed of holm oaks, downy oaks and turkey oaks. Its symbol is the land tortoise, of which the area has a large population. More than 400 animal species find refuge in the dense vegetation. Rich is the avifauna with about 60 species of birds.


The Butterfly Cave Nature Reserve protects a series of ditches (the so-called Ditches) furrowed by short sections of streams and some natural caves. Established in 2007, it covers an area of about 510 hectares in the territories of San Vito Chietino and Rocca San Giovanni. Enclosed within it is a treasure chest of exceptionally interesting natural beauty and values. The area is rich in tree and shrub species such as poplars, willows and elms, while among animals it is easy to encounter marten and badger, as well as small rodents. At certain times of the year, the area is populated with thousands of butterflies attracted by the special and favorable environmental conditions.

Photo Vasto Marine Nature Reserve © Vasto Marine Nature Reserve | Don Venanzio Forest Nature Reserve © Bosco Di Don Venanzio | RNR Grotta delle Farfalle © Lecceta di Torino di Sangro | Butterfly Cave Nature Reserve © RNR Grotta delle Farfalle

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